When Agencies Collide
So I was repped by Broder, but I'm now repped by ICM, as Broder won't exist anymore. The odd thing is, I was at ICM years ago, then went to Broder. Now they've mixed like some science fiction creature.
More to the point - the business consolodates again. What does it mean? a lot of people are suddenly out of work. Many agents took the hit in one day, unexpectedly. Hopefully a lot of writers will be suddenly in work. The concern of course, fewere buyers, fewer agencies...
On the other hand, hollywood seems to need more product.
Doesn't it mean that these agents will go off and start their own boutique agencies or management firms? More opportunitiiies for new writers there?
schmucks: Yes, that's the hope. So the variable is - do your clients stay with you or stay with the big name agency? What's your new overhead as now you're paying rent and what kind of place can you set up with the income from your artists? Do you go solo, or with as many people as you can to get more clout, but without the big name behind you does anyone care when you call...? Stormy seas...
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